NASPP – The Highlight of 2018

After many years of attendance as part of a different company, we are proud to say we attended this year’s NASPP National Conference representing our new venture, Equity Point, for the first time. Our entire team was present in San Diego and we were excited to see Equity Point’s partners and clients, spread our message, and reconnect with a lot of old friends in the industry.

It’s hard to tell what was the best part of the event. Between meeting and greeting with our old colleagues such as Apollo Mok, Bill Storey, Sorrell Johnson, Justin Doctor, Sean Lembree, Madori Playford, Elizabeth Dodge…

Or going out to dinner with our soon to be announced partners…hold your breath as we cannot disclose at this moment…

Or perhaps hitting the dance floor at E*Trade’s Wednesday night event during the Spazmatics concert up on stage…

Or possibly riding the flight simulator on board the USS Midway during Fidelity’s Wednesday night event…

Or attending the launch of Solium’s Industry Influencer program (thank you again to Pam Ellis for inviting us)…

We had a great time and were proud to rock Equity Point’s new, very sexy business cards. Business cards designed by yours truly (looks like those old college design skills came in handy).

Thank again to the entire team at NASPP who coordinate and plan this event. Equity Point is looking forward to going to New Orleans next year.

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